EFPay - An efficient payment solution to empower SME in South East Asia


In a world where technology is rapidly taking a prominent role in every facet of society, but only those who live in the urban get most of the advantages. EFPay is an app that aims to provide an efficient payment solution for not only those who live in the urban but those who live in the rural area too, and with the payment solution as a foundation, we hope to help SME in the traditional industry, especially those in the fishing and agriculture industry, to operate in a more efficient way with the help of technology.

Why EFPay?

We empower the small-medium enterprises.


Without a marketplace to connect buyers and sellers efficiently, consumers will have no choice but to buy overpriced seafoods and agriculture products while fishermen and farmers might not get paid fairly.

Distribution Platform

A well organized and efficient distribution network is absolutely vital in fishing and agriculture industry where products are highly perishable and may get stale and rotten within days, we aim to build a system that allows fishermen and farmers to ship products to their buyers in the most efficient and effective way.

Tackling Food Waste

More than 27% of all captured fish is either thrown away or rots on decks before it's sold, according to a new report by the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization. With EFPay, we hope to reduce the number as much as possible by redistributing the excess seafoods and agriculture products to the people in need.

Our solutions


A trading marketplace where fishermen and the buyers can trade their seafood online anytime and anywhere, you may checkout the latest products in your mobile phone daily, make payment and track your orders. Our mission is to create the most efficient way to trade seafoods and agriculture products in South East Asia.

Payment system

In the seafoods and agriculture industry, it’s reasonable that fishermen/farmers don’t ship their products to any buyer without receiving the money first; likewise the buyers don’t pay without knowing the seller has shipped the products they intended to purchase. EFPay is built to solve this paradox, we hope to help SME in the traditional industry, especially those in the fishing and agriculture industry, to operate in a more efficient way with the help of technology.

Our Vision

We thrive on building an all-in-one platform for fishermen and farmers, help them become thriving and sustainable.

EFPay is getting better everyday, we are happy to connect with all potential partners! You may also leave us a feedback as we’re always working to make our platform better!